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发布时间 : 2017-11-23     点击量:


  应六合彩网上投注app 邀请,南方科技大学理学院李景治博士将于1126日来我校进行学术交流并作学术报告。



报告题目:Second moment analysis for stochastic interface problems based on low-rank approximation

摘要:In this talk, we propose a numerical method to solve stochastic elliptic interface problems with random interfaces. Shape calculus is first employed to derive the shape-Taylor expansion in the framework of the asymptotic perturbation approach. Given the mean field and the two-point correlation function of the random interface, we can thus quantify the mean field and the variance of the random solution in terms of certain orders of the perturbation amplitude by solving a deterministic elliptic interface problem and its tensorized counterpart with respect to the reference interface. Error estimates are derived for the interface-resolved finite element approximation in both, the physical and the stochastic dimension. In particular, a fast finite difference scheme is proposed to compute the variance of random solutions by using a low-rank approximation based on the pivoted Cholesky decomposition. Numerical experiments are presented to validate and quantify the method.








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