的邀请,普渡大学数学系Yang Yang教授将于近期访问我院,并做以下学术报告:
报告时间:2017年6月26日上午9:30 - 11:30(星期一)
报告题目:On an inverse boundary value problem on Lorentzian manifolds
摘要:In this talk,we consider the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map Λ on a cylinder-like Lorentzian manifold related to the wave equation involving the metric g, a magnetic field A and a potential q. We prove that one can recover all the derivatives of g, A, q on the boundary from Λ up to a gauge transformation in a stable way. We also prove that Λ recovers the following three invariants in a stable way: the lens relation of g, and the light ray transforms of A and q. As an intermediate step, we show Λ is a Fourier integral operator away from the diagonal with a canonical relation given by the lens relation. This is joint work with Plamen Stefanov.
个人简介:Professor Yang Yang’sresearchfocuses on inverse problems arising in medical imaging and geophysical imaging with connections to mathematical physics and relativity theory. The involved mathematics includes partial differential equation theory, functional analysis, microlocal analysis, Riemannian and Lorentzian geometry, and numerical simulations using programming software.