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Lower Confidence Limit of the Conditional Reliability for Weibull Lifetime with Type I Censored Data
发布时间 : 2016-08-02     点击量:

TitleLower Confidence Limit of the Conditional Reliability for Weibull Lifetime with Type I Censored Data 

AbstractFor the data obtained from the tests with fixed stopping time (type I censored data), how to obtain the accurate lower confidence limit of the conditional reliability when the lifetime follows Weibull distribution is a difficult problem in reliability engineering. In this talk I will present a new method for calculating the lower confidence limit of the conditional reliability for Weibull lifetime with type I censored data based on the theory of ordering method in the sample space. The software will also be demonstrated.

SpeakerTao WangSchool of MathematicsYunnan normal University, Kunming, 650092, Yunnan,  P.R.China



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