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瑞士苏黎世大学Michel Chipot教授学术报告通知
发布时间 : 2019-12-04     点击量:

报告题目:The P(U)-Laplacian Problem



报告人:MICHEL CHIPOT教授,瑞士苏黎世大学数学研究所


We consider the p-Laplacian problem with the exponent of the nonlinearity p depending on the solution u. Both situations when p(u) is a local quantity or when p(u) is nonlocal are studied. For the associated boundary-value local problem, we prove the existence of weak solutions by using a singular perturbation technique. We also prove the existence of weak solutions to the nonlocal version of the associated boundary-value problem. The issue of uniqueness for these problems is addressed, in particular by working out the uniqueness for a one dimensional local problem and by showing that the uniqueness is easily lost in the nonlocal case. (Joint work with H.B. de Oliveira).

Short Vita of Prof.Michel Chipot:


 Ph.D., 1981, University of Paris VI,Advisor: H. Brezis

Research Interests

Variational inequalities, Elliptic equations and systems,Parabolic equations, Calculus of variations, Applications, Numerical analysis.

Main Positions Held

1981-1982 Visiting Assistant Professor (Brown University)

1983-1984 Visiting Associate Professor (University of Maryland, USA)

1984-1985 Research Associate, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)

1985-1995 Professor (University of Metz)

1995- Professor Ordinarius (University of Zurich)


Elected member of the European Academy of Sciences (2009).


Author of more than 180 articles and 7 books.



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